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National and Global, United States

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC): Client Case Study

Digital Equipment Corporation was a pioneering company in the computer industry. Its PDP and VAX products were arguably the most popular mini-computers for the scientific and engineering communities during the 1970s and 1980s. DEC was acquired by Compaq in June 1998, which subsequently merged with Hewlett-Packard in May 2002.

The Challenge:

Historically, DEC was an engineering-driven, matrixed organization with numerous SBUs, primarily in engineering, banking, manufacturing environments. 64-bit personal computing demanded looking at new, non-traditional markets with a need for high-speed, graphic-intensive computing.

The Deliverables:
Define new markets for ALPHA-64bit computing platform.
Define the ‘go-to-market’ strategy
Define the Organizational Structure within those markets
Establish “change processes’ to address new product and verticals
Establish sales training procedures within the new vertical cultures

The Results:
Quantitatively defined the potential markets (entertainment, media, broadcast).
Defined and developed the strategic deployment (hardware vs. bundling)
Defined the end-user companies (Disney, Sony, Times-Mirror)
Trained the sales engineers in selling-in to new verticals
Defined the universe, needs-analysis, and metrics for initial deployment
Tactically sold-in to the initial end-users.

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